13 Reasons Why Most Brands & Small Businesses Rely On Email Marketing? SFWPExperts

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Reason behind the use of email marketing by small and medium businesses:

1. Emails have a larger reach

With the increase in social media users, companies have started thinking that Facebook and Twitter are one of the effective ways of reaching the maximum number of audiences. They tend to forget that emails have got more users than social media. According to Radicati, 2019 has recorded a total of 3.9 Billion active email users and it is expected to increase by 4.8 billion by 2021. Whereas social media has a total of 3.48 billion users out of which Facebook has 2.45 billion users and Twitter has 330 million users.

We are not conveying that social media is not at all effective but email has a higher reach than social media platforms. If you are getting the higher open rate for your email campaign then you are on the right track of spreading awareness about your product and brand. But if you are looking to boost your email open rate then you can check our blog on 9 ways to boost your email open rate.

Therefore by looking at the stats, you can figure out why email has a wider reach than any other platform. And this is the reason why it is used by small and large scale businesses. If you are planning to create awareness about your product then use email marketing to reach maximum users.

2. Emails can boot sales

Emails are considered to be the most effective way of generating and boosting sales. A report states that email generates more sales compared to social media giants Facebook and Twitter. Every day people receive a lot of emails related to new offers, new products or updates in a product. Companies send this type of email to engage with their subscribers. Even if you check your emails then you may find these types of emails in your inbox. And if you find any of your emails interesting with the good offer then you may probably click on it and perform some action. This is how companies generate sales using various techniques and methods. We are going to provide you some tips and techniques on how you can boost your sales:

  • Understand your target audience
  • Segment your list
  • Generate short emails
  • Engage your customer by sending them emails regularly
  • Create mobile-friendly emails
  • Create an enticing subject line

There are businesses that don’t find email to be much effective and converting. It happens because businesses put less effort into creating an attractive email campaign and due to that they fail to achieve their goals. So, if your business is among them then read our article on Email marketing

3. Easy to Set-up Email Marketing Campaign

One of the biggest advantages of email marketing is that it doesn’t require prior experience to run an email campaign. Nowadays most of the email marketing tools are focusing on creating user-friendly tools. Where user can easily set up their email campaign and get the report of their campaign performance.

If you don’t have much knowledge on how to set up an email campaign then you can get a lot of tutorial videos and articles on how to set up an email campaign. These types of tutorials are published by email marketing tool provider to educate the users about their work. Even if you get stuck somewhere while creating an email marketing campaign then you can contact their support team to solve your issue.

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